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Sunday, December 26, 2010

There is no causal relationship between your actions and the enlightenment process.


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

As we move into the third millennium, we're actually getting to the outer stretch of civilization. Life is becoming very complex—technology, the structure of society, everything.

The impact of enlightenment doesn't stop just because it's not twelfth century India, where you sit under the Bodhi tree and become enlightened. Nobody's going to do that anymore because the landscape of modern life just isn't shaped that way. You'll probably be sitting in your kitchen or at a bus stop or on the freeway going to work, and you'll get enlightened.

It doesn't matter. There is no causal relationship between your actions and the enlightenment process. At some moment in time you brushed up against the seed of awakening, and the seal of your personal identity began to crack. From there on, it's just a matter of time. Don't kid yourself. The complete annihilation of personal self is an absolute. Not just sort of; or kind of or maybe; It really does happen.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's better to have true ideas of your own


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

It turns out we enjoy being existent. Nobody wants to stop existing, however painful it may be. Existing is cool. The idea is just to not be trapped like a rat in a maze, always having your choices handed to you, and being forced to think that those choices are yours. It's better to have true ideas of your own.

Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Survive Enlightenment


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

You're actually living a multitude of lives simultaneously. Your senses are bound to this life and thus you think this is the totality of life. This is the life of the body but the mind is more like a hologram.

In fact, most of your spiritual practice is taking place in alternate lives. We use the life of the body to produce a magnetic force powerful enough to anchor the force of the totality of life. Once the transmission of grace occurs, the ocean of consciousness pours in and affects all your lives. You'll start to have memories of events that you don't remember doing because they actually happened in alternate lives.

All of what we call yoga is not designed to get us to enlightenment; it's designed to help us survive enlightenment. Spiritual life is a way of keeping up with what's happening to us during the process of awakening, finding a way to deal with it. That's why you meditate.

Monday, December 6, 2010



Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

We as perceivers are so absolutely affected by everything it is inconceivable. The template that you declare to be the open portal through which you view your existence is so radically conditioned by past action that the entire framework of your present experience is based on what you have already experienced.

What happened to us before completely conditions how we experience what happens to us now, which will so utterly condition the possibility of what will happen to us in the future.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Transmission of Grace


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

We have produced such an irrational fear of the death experience that we hold ourselves back from the onslaught of enlightenment, desperately clinging to the very identity that binds us to the wheel. When enlightenment appears in your life, it begins to wipe everything away. It doesn’t say, “Well, this is a good thing so we’ll preserve this, and this is a bad thing so we'll get rid of this.”

It’s as if you were an egg floating around in the ocean, an infinite ocean of consciousness. The enlightenment process is like someone coming along and unscrewing the top of the egg; the ocean just starts to pour in. It conducts itself through the entirety of your being. It's only a matter of time before everything is reduced down to its most basic components—electrons, protons, atoms.

This is the transmission of grace. You are brought back into touch with the ocean of consciousness. What you’re afraid of is that when the ocean of consciousness pours in, it zeroes out everything you’ve ever been, everything you are, everything you'll ever be. Everything dissolves back into the ocean, extinguished. You exist, and yet it's as if you never existed. So you ask, “Why would I want this to happen?”