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Monday, April 26, 2010

You Are the Path


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

The path exists within you as you. Everyone is always looking—looking here, looking there trying to find the path. It's so close that if it were a snake it would bite you because you, yourself, are the path. You arise as the path.

This is something very difficult for everyone to get, especially Westerners, because they are so linear minded. You cannot see the path because you are the path itself. It's as if you were trying to see your own eyeball; it can’t be done. You can see it in a mirror, but that's only a reflection. What you see of the path is just its reflection—the drama of your life as it unfolds.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Being a Yogi

Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

The average human being operates their attention almost exclusively through the senses. The life force is entirely committed to desire-based activity connected with the senses. This behavior produces a churning within the atmosphere of one's internal theater of awareness which makes it difficult to turn the attention within. It's as if through the operation of the senses you were constantly throwing pebbles into the water, constantly churning the water, making it basically impossible to see past the phantasmagoria of the surface.

One of the first movements of attention whereby a human being is characterized as being a yogi is when, by discrimination, intelligence, and insight, the primary focus of the attention is shifted away from the operation of the senses to the internal seat of consciousness. The yogi seeks to take control of all the dynamics of their behavior and life force. When they seek to dampen desire-based action, they are simply seeking to allow the surface of the water to settle and clear so they can turn their attention within.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Samadhi, to put it simply, is the conscious passing through the membrane between life and death


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

As each soul transmigrates and reemerges into the stream of illusion, the ocean of infinite consciousness out of which it emerges is forgotten. It is as if there is a wall between the experience base of the embodied consciousness, what we call life, and the disembodied consciousness, what we call death.

The yogi awakens to this situation and becomes aware of the endless wheel of transmigration. The inability to operate consciously on both sides of the membrane separating life and death finally becomes an issue for them. They seek to pass through this membrane and remain conscious, once and for all merging the two poles of the inherent nature of the human being: individual identity and universal identity.

Samadhi, to put it simply, is the conscious passing through the membrane between life and death. This is the final aim of the entire science of yoga and meditation;the conscious merging of individual identity with the infinite.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Samadhi - Intuitive Knowledge of the Highest State


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

The word Samadhi essentially means intuitive knowledge of the highest state. There are a multitude of classifications of Samadhi, but they can be broken down into two fundamental streams or conditions: Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa. Savikalpa means with form, with identity, with thought. Nirvikalpa means without form, without identity, without thought.

There are many stages of attention within both of these states, but what is fundamentally taking place is the contact of the individual identity with the universal identity, the substance of the infinite creation. The drop of water is dropped into the ocean; the totality of the ocean is in the drop, and the totality of the drop is in the ocean. The platform of identity moves from a point of individual and separate self to the utterly merged and commingled Self.

This is something that occurs naturally at the event we call death. The dropping of the shell of individual self—the body, life force, and mental formation—leads to a revelation of totality and utter independence. This experience is so profound, so dramatic that for the unprepared mind—one unconditioned by yoga, meditation, and the conditions of Samadhi—it simply goes white noise at the end of each life as the mind collapses in the face of totality.

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