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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kundalini Awakening


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

As the kundalini rises it begins to change the vibration of your being, both expanding and accelerating your awareness. As it illuminates the chakras, the chakras begin to switch on and vibrate, sending powerful surges of energy and vibrations up the spinal column into the brain.

These vibrations stimulate the brain which operates with increasingly greater efficiency. The brains ability to detect subtle phenomena expands. Like a very compressed program of evolution, the brain operates in increasingly powerful ways, experiencing reality at increasingly subtle levels. Rather than observing the surface of things that is the report of the senses, you begin to experience reality at its vibrational essence.

What we call yoga, spiritual life, is the experience of the kundalini rising and stimulating the brain, causing it to evolve in its operations. Meditation is the essence of yoga and calibrates this process.

Sunday, October 24, 2010



Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

One of the first basic concepts you come into contact with in the world of spiritual training is karma. You're directed to become aware of the fruits of your actions and then become responsible for their cause, understanding that you yourself will experience the effect.

This is a very powerful teaching. If honestly approached and dealt with, it gives rise to a very high level of attention; you begin to notice that the fabric of your behavior, the fabric of your consciousness is a very complex weave that is constantly going up and down in the frequency of its vibration.

Over the course of an hour we can experience the most sublime thoughts of kinship, friendship, kindness, generosity, and yet on the other side of the coin give rise to acts of jealousy, greed, envy, and anger. Every day we go up and down this mountain countless times.

If this is done unconsciously, we become enslaved to an underlying force of spiritual cause which is the anchor of all suffering—ignorance of our true Self, our true identity.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kundalini Awakening


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

Because of the shortness of the lifespan in these times, the awakening impulse involves the kundalini. The movement of the kundalini back into the spinal cord and up into the brain can, in the course of a single lifetime, produce self-realization. How long it takes is based on a person's skill, ability, and courage. But it is the animation of the brain by the kundalini which sets the process of evolution on a hyper-accelerated path.

When the kundalini hits the body it’s a very powerful and demanding event. But the spirit comes upon you when and where it will. You have to accept that. It can't be controlled. You have to have strength of heart, strength of will, and strength of body to endure the impact of the kundalini. You must be fearless, giving rise to love with every breath—love of God, love of Guru, love of Self.

This is why you should keep things as simple as you can: a solid routine of daily meditation, your daily work where you fulfill the responsibilities of your life, exercise, a good diet. As you deal with the dynamics of awakening and the power gets greater and greater as it moves into full force, you will most certainly have your hands full.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

Oftentimes to improve a situation, the quality you must have in the greatest abundance is one of patience. Why? Because it is in the dynamic of patience where the truth, true insight, is finally glimpsed.

If you're always shooting from the hip and acting impulsively, chances are you're going to miss the mark. You won't gain access to all the information that a situation has to offer. The truth is rarely found on the surface of things.

It takes wisdom and experience to read the truth of a situation. And wisdom and experience are the fruit of patience—patience of heart, patience of mind. You must gain the ability to become quiet and listen without making demands on a situation before you can fully grasp its true nature.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All beings seek joy


Excerpt of a talk by Mark Griffin...

The entire dynamic of life, the reflex that draws all sentient beings into life and, ultimately, to dharma, is joy. All beings seek joy. That’s why they do what they do. It's as simple as that and that’s what makes us all the same.

When this is recognized, the seeming complexity of behavior disappears. Yes, karma builds up over countless lives, acting as a filter and veils of obscuration. People act out in this life formations of karma that were formed countless lifetimes ago. But when all is said and done, what is always being sought is happiness.

People engage in all manner of behavior, finding both good and bad fortune: the fulfillment of their wishes, the crushing of their dreams. But both these conditions are fleeting and transitory. The only source of true joy lies within. It is a simple message, constantly repeated by all beings who have spent any time on the subject. The source of all happiness, all wisdom, and all joy arises from the Self. It is the Self that is sought down every turn, down every road, down every alley. In every form, we seek the Self.